This morning, I read this verse, which charmed and calmed my heart. It's a passage that talks about God's presence among the Israelites as they wandered in despair:
"Your way was through the sea,
your path through the great waters;
yet your footprints were unseen."
(Psalm 77:19)
It communicates to me this beautiful idea of God's omnipresence. Even when we fail to detect him, he's there, treading the same ground. This is something I will strive to remember this weekend, and, hopefully, always.
This blog, my Flickr, and any other Internet presence I may have will understandably be on hold for a week or more. I have to get hitched, honeymoon, move to Charlottesville, and start my new job in a mere two weeks!
Thanks for the encouragement, support, and mutual excitement that's come from all of you out there. I shall return, a happily married woman!