10 May, 2010

the memorable weekend

This weekend, I said goodbye to my six fabulous and graduated housemates...
Remembered four amazing years with dear friends...

Celebrated with family...

And (most likely) found a place to live with my husband-to-be! (If all goes according to plan, we'll have the upstairs apartment in this charming, historic home near downtown Charlottesville and the Belmont neighborhood. Old doors, transom windows, and heart-of-pine floors = I'm thrilled.
There is so much going on in my life right now and I am thankful to be home for a few weeks so I can sit still and think about it all. I graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill and I'm getting married in 18 days; I feel like I should do something else momentous to keep the ball rolling... like become a first-time owner of an angora rabbit (today's obsession, for whatever reason).
All I want to do is lounge in the sun and read. But there are veils to be refashioned and plates to be counted and mason jars to be ribboned! Much, much still to be done. Love to you all, my largely anonymous body of readers!
You care for the land and water it;
you enrich it abundantly.
The streams of God are filled with water
to provide people with grain,
for so you have ordained it.
Psalm 65.9


Meredith Perdue said...

Heart pine floors in Belmont! You couldn't have found a better place in Charlottesville- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you both! Congratulations!

SEO MASTER said...


reta said...

world top news
nice picture
i like it

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