28 October, 2007

all the glory that the Lord has made and the complications you could do without

Hast thou not seen how thy desires have been
Granted in what He ordaineth?

These lines from the hymn this morning struck my heart. I sang with a sideways, wry smile, for they were so clearly revealing, so directly pointing to my deceitful self. Willingly or unwillingly, I haven't seen how my desires have been granted in what God has ordained. As we left, I thought, "Actually, self, I've been praying for this for a year. God answered. Not in the way I wanted Him to. But He did." A hard thing to believe: an even harder thing to realize.

A weekend of highs (laughter) and lows (feeling very, very alone). The lows aren't worth dwelling on, but the highs are: running in the downpour, chasing Alex who took off with my umbrella. Talking with Elizabeth for an hour at the Union, pretending to be studious. Church; Tyler's hard -hitting but much-needed sermon (What do I actually worship? "We make sacrifices for the things we are devoted to."). Getting all of the classes I wanted. Playing guitar on my floor in the dark. Rediscovering great songs.

A new favorite website: Found. Makes me want to leave random slips of paper around campus. Or, even better, to find such little gems myself.

This is a good game. Mr. Capone gets the promised points for the correct identification of Carson McCullers, author of one of my favorite novels The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. Who is this famous couple?


fiercest said...

mmm. now i know that. that's f. scott and zelda.

emily said...

I wish my name was zelda...