06 January, 2010

one thing

Found this elsewhere on the blogosphere, and thought it was a good list to fill out:

One Thing in 2010

One thing I will learn: How to trust God with the unknown.

One place I will go: Boston (I hope!).

One physical habit I will break: Slouching.

One physical habit I will cultivate: Running weekly. I've realized, as I've written before, that I was built to run and I need to do this.

One mental habit I will break: Letting internal fears and ruminations control my mood.

One mental habit I will cultivate: Curbing my tongue and negative attitudes and thoughts about other people.

One relationship I’ll repair: A friend from high school whom I've drifted from.

One work habit I will change: Letting my workload control my mood.

One thing I’ll throw out: T-shirts I don't wear but somehow collect.

One thing I’ll eat more often: Leafy greens!

One thing I’ll eat less: Sugar in artificial forms.

One thing I’ll drink more: Water. (And Guion's beer, most likely.)

One thing I’ll drink less: I don't know, actually. I think I drink very healthy.

One overdue e-mail I’ll send, or overdue phone call I’ll make: E-mails to wedding contacts who are helping with the reception and ceremony.

One resentment I’ll get over: Don't have any resentments right now. I might later.

One person I’ll treat more respectfully: Guion. He treats me with love and patience every day and I don't always honor him as he deserves.

One thing I’ll spend less money on: Eating out.

One other change I’ll make in my finances: Relentless budget-keeping.

One thing I’ll spend less time doing: Complaining.

And a thing I’ll spend more time doing: Kissing Guion and telling him I love him.

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